評価は、①質問項目ごとの得点、②Physical well-being(P1~P10)、Mental well-being(M1~M6)とLife wWell-being(L1~L8)の3つの尺度ごとに「項目得点の加算÷その尺度の回答項目数」を算出、および③下位尺度ごとの同様な算出 : Appetite Loss(P3、4、7)、Constipation(P6、8)、Fatigue(P9、10)、Daily functioning(L1、2)、Social functioning(L3、4)、Subjective QOL(L5~8)によって行われます。
If items I1, I2, … In are included in a (sub)scale,the procedure is as follows:
(Sub)scale score (S) = (I1+I2+ … In) / n
Higher values represent worse status in Physical well-being and Mental well-being. On the other hand, higher values indicate good status in Life well-being. It is NOT necessary to apply the linear transformation because the score itself is a value based on 0-10 linear analogue rating.